After the text editor has opened you run your react application by typing the command 'npm start' into your terminal. I use VSCode for this which means I type in the command 'code. When this has been completed you cd into the react app you just created and open it in your text editor.
Wait until it is done installing and you receive the message 'Happy Hacking'. To create a react app you will need to use npx create-react-app inside of your terminal. To do so you can follow the following link You put them out and you start playing, writing down the actions you do every time.įor building a React app we will need to have Node.js installed and NPM package manager. To do so you can grab a deck of cards and filter out any two identical numbers/symbols until you have a deck of twelve. Therefore figuring out the logic is just going through the game yourself. The reason why it is a great starting point for aspiring developers is because everyone knows how the game works. It shows off that you understand basic knowledge and that you can work through problems by visualizing the solution. I created a memory game in React.js which is a perfect starting point for beginner React developers.